Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Tale of Two Hostesses

Congratulations, and way to go!
Lot’s of free gifts…you couldn’t say “no”!
Here’s a tale of two Hostesses, as you can see,
Read on, and pick the one you’d like to be!

First, there was Jane, so proper was she,
Her invitations were written in calligraphy!
“I’ll just invite six, I don’t know too many.
I’m sure they’ll all come, so there will be plenty.”

Her brochures and Hostess Booklet sat home on the table,
“Outside orders? She asked, “Oh, I wasn’t able.”
She prepared a buffet that was fit for a king,
But forgot to give her guests a reminder ring.
Only one guest arrived, the glamour to see,
“Why,” Jane wondered, “does this happen to me?”

And then there was Mary, so excited was she;
She was planning on getting her products for FREE!
She called 8-10 people, the date they were told,
She invited more people than the table would hold!

People wanted to know what the excitement was about,
So she stopped and pulled her catalog out.
She bragged about the products and the great guarantee;
Outside orders were no problem…no sir-ee!

She called the night before to remind once again,
And said, “Don’t forget about the prize you might win!”
She didn’t have time to prepare a buffet!
She stopped by the bakery, her class was that day.

Mary was thrilled with the products she won,
“Wow!” she exclaimed, “This really was fun!”

The moral of the story won’t leave you to brood;
Concentrate on your guests, not your home or the food!

Which Hostess Will You Be?

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