Tuesday, September 25, 2012

30 Day Challenge

Do you think your skin care regiment is the best or are you struggling to find something that works specifically for your skin? Through me I offer free shipping anywhere within the continental USA; live somewhere outside of that? Don't you worry, you will not be gouged by exorbitant shipping fees, I will cover most of it! What do you have to lose? Try the 30 day trial Miracle Set (retailed at $44) and if you're not 100% satisfied you are guaranteed your money back every time!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

10 Tips to Deal with Uncertainty

For your inspiration!

1. Clearly define what inspires you.
There’s is a big difference between taking action out of inspiration versus desperation. Use this season as an opportunity to hibernate into the recessesof your own mind and define what you choose to create in your next spring.

2. Control your focus.Energy flows where attention goes. Are you focusing on lack or opportunity?

3. Feed your mind.
What’s your constant mental diet? Do you spend hours in front of the scare news or are you reading good books, attending more positive seminars, watching uplifting DVDs and listening to powerful CDs?

4. Strengthen your body
Your physical health and vitality have a tremendous impact on your performances as well as your mental and emotional fitness. Exercise releases stress as well as strengthen your body and mind.
5. Inventory your friends.
Doom and gloom attracts more doom and gloom. Jettison those “energy vampires” around you and surround yourself with opportunity seekers.

6. Quiet your mind.
Take time to meditate daily and slow down if only for a few minutes. Ten to fifteen minutes of meditation will relieve hours of stress and increase creativity and resourcefulness.

7. Rid your life of escapist activities.
Overindulgence in TV, sleep and alcohol only accelerate the problems you’re attempting to avoid.

8. Make a daily gratitude list.
Focusing on all the good, gifts and God in your life puts you in the right line of thought, feeling and their subsequent actions, which will attract and create more good, gifts and God.

9. Change your attitude.
Realize that everything that’s happened in your life thus far is her to serve you, teach you and help you grow, Find lessons in your past results, forgive yourself for anything you could have done better and apply the lesson to move forward and create a better future.

10. Get Resourceful.
For the next 3 days, go to a place where you can have uninterrupted time … come up with 20 new ideas to grow your income, create new results and improve your life. You cannot leave your spot until you have twenty and no editing! All ideas are good ideas. Do this for 3 successive days with 20 new ideas each day. Now take your list of 60 unique ideas and pick the three to five most powerful and leveraged ones to put into action. Pick these 3 to 5 based on:  ease of implementation, rate of return and speed of return. Remember: It’s not about resources … there are plenty of them. It’s about resourcefulness.

Get resourceful and get busy!

Friday, September 14, 2012


" I am so excited to be part of your unit and part of Mary Kay! First, I’d like to tell you a little about my background. I started my cosmetic career in 1990 at the age of 19. I have worked for and been trained by several cosmetic companies including Lancome, Prescriptives and Borghese. During my career I also managed a cosmetic department at Nordstrom which allowed me access to training with every cosmetic line we carried. In 2004 I was introduced to Mary Kay Cosmetics and became a consultant. I had a successful business in Corvallis until 2010 when I moved to Las Vegas. I chose to leave Mary Kay, and focus more on my family, new home, and volunteering in my community.

It’s been 2 years since I left Mary Kay. I’ve purchased some things form Mary Kay since I left, but I have also tried many other products, looking for the perfect eye cream, a better night cream etc. I purchased retinol products from Philosophy, eye creams from Roc and countless other companies. I spent a small fortune trying to find something to turn back the clock. I’m sure many of our customers do the same. Last month, Ronnie gave me samples of the new Volu-Firm set. Wow! This is exactly what I have been searching for! Volu-firm is the best age defying product I have ever used! I believe in this so much that I resigned my consultant agreement!

Volu-Firm works! I was amazed that after only a couple of uses, my eyes looked better; less puffy and smoother. My skin looked firmer, smoother and clearer. I have started to use a much more sheer foundation because I don’t want to cover up my great skin!

Volu-Firm is so effective because it has some of the best ingredients in the cosmetic industry. Many of the ingredients that I look for in my skincare are in Volu-firm products. The day cream and night cream both have shea butter which is one of the best hydrators for the skin. The day cream also contains allantoin which promotes healing on the skin, and protects against irritants for sensitive skin. The night cream contains retinol which has been proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and it contains licorice root extract which reduces inflammation, soothes the skin, clarifies and brightens the skin!

Ladies, this is a HUGE opportunity for all of us! Volu-Firm has the potential to make you successful. I signed my agreement about 2 weeks ago. I have shown the Volu-Firm to a 2 of my neighbors so far, and one bought the set today! Let Volu-Firm do the work for you. Show Volu-Firm to everyone you know and watch your business multiply!"
-Christy Heil (sister consultant)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

10 Steps to Your Red Jacket

1)   Attend all MK events
2)   Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly goal
3)   Say daily affirmations: the next step (wake up & going to bed)
4)   Evaluate your appearance and the areas you would like to improve!
5)   Organize your family; discipline yourself. Share the aspects of family with others.
6)   Complete a weekly plan sheet and accomplishment sheet write your goal in
pencil and feel it in with ink when accomplished. Work Mary Kay, don't just live it!
7)   Read career essentials book and listen to CDs.
8)   Organize your office. (compartmentalize your life)
9)   Go to work! Talk to people you meet, daily. Handout 5+ business cards a  day. Before and after shots. Reach everyone in arms length! Have a plan and work it!
10)  Attitude is 90% of it. Be positive and know that you can succeed!! Celebrate all the little successes because they lead to bigger successes!!  Make enough money to be able to buy something for yourself and celebrate that!